
Guys may need this balloon. hahaha!!

"Sorry I Am Such An Asshole" Balloon Package

The best way to express your feelings is with a balloon, of course. That's why the "Sorry I Am Such An Asshole" Balloon Package by Adam J. Kurtz is perfect for all of those times you accidentally missed a big meeting, sort of forgot about an anniversary, or purposefully skipped your best friend from college's birthday party because you hate all her stuck-up friends. We're sorry, we swear.

1 comment:

Debra Turner said...

Cute causal chic styles on your posts. Looks like the clothes can be dressed up and down.

In the summers I wear mostly dresses and in the colder months, mostly pants.

On of my favorite dresses is called the Rock Fish Dress, which I featured on my own blog here: http://thesavvvyshopper.blogspot.com/2012/07/m-mac-rock-fish-dress.html

Love all the black and white you feature on your posts. Very mean and clean. : )